Dear friend,
I know I don’t need an introduction part to write to you. From the day you waved me before packing to Delhi near that old tree in our campus, my mind is still there near the fading picture of the guitar with a music that broken in-between
Far away sitting in the capital city beautifully decorated to invite the foreigners for common wealth game you will be also missing me in the same intensity as I do...
Even though this five months are going so fast the days away from you is making me count. Went to the closing ceremony of confluence where juniors were enjoying their arts and compete with the seniors to make their position the final years were in a sorrow stage to leave their friends and the lovely campus after few months, but my thoughts went in a different direction when our classmates were sharing their experience of training I really missed you and sat silently in one corner.
Those empty steps in the gallery and lonely street of campus are calling us. When our batch mates are eagerly packing their bag in a rush to fill it with memories my mind was full of question about how I am going to live that one year without that stupid’s always ready to tease me.
When started to write my mind was overflowing with matters to discuss with you and sitting in front waves of memories fades in the darkness of outside. Now who has the time to spend for writing a letter which will reach so late? Mixed in a bundle mingled with other letters having mixed feelings some of happiness and some of sorrows eagerly waiting to reach their destiny with no interest to know what is inside others my letter for you travel the long way from Kerala to Delhi just to see the smile in your face seeing my letter.
A letter to my best friend just to inform you that I am missing you.......
Your loving friend
Asha Sreenivas
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