My First Day!!!!!!!
Everyone would love to remember their first day of anything.First day at school,First day at office and lots more..And as a child i would like to Recollect my memories of first day in this beautiful day….
But how can a 1 day baby remember his/her first day in this world????
There should be a way for that!!!!! Isnt it????
and wat is that????
Ask your mother.!!!!
None other her can explain it more beautiful, and when i asked about it she told me the story.
I was a premeture baby, who came to this world two months before the predicted time.
Why did I do that??? Wat for????
must hav been eagar to come to this world or maybe i always loved to break the so called prediction.
And as a premeture baby i made lot of difficulties for my parents. Infact made lot of tensed situations for them.
And each time wen i repeated, it might have given them a great tension before the results.
life is complicated having both crest and tough. life is a mixture of both happy and sorrow and those who wish to be happy must suffer the feelings of sorrow too.if there is a day there will be night after that and happy after sorrow so dont be depresed with the current situation.if we are happy enjoy its every secounds and if we are in a sad situation know that there is a happy situation in near time.
life is short enjoy it in every secounds .dont count the moments in the life but count life in every moments
Hai Asha...
Its really excellent thoughts...amazing.. how can u write these yar... keep writing ur views towards this beautiful world...
now that was a great start indeed.
expecting more unexpected incidents and posts.........
nice thought.... premature kazhinjapolum nee disturbance ayirunile??...paavam ur parents
heyy..frankly speaking if u dnt mind... u r views are good ... u try to describe it quite well..
but improve on the grammar and language...miles togo before u sleep
Really heart felt and on reading that I went to the older days which I spent with my own Asha
Thanks very much my dear Asheeeee
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