Thursday, June 12, 2008


dreaming is one of the process done by everyone knowingly and unknowingly.
will all the dreams will come true?
dream is the process by which we see what we wish to happen isnt?
no no,if it is so how can we see horror dreams?????
As all the human are not aware about the existance of the almighty god.we all dont know from were these dreams come.who is the script writer of thoses unbelievable and believable there a goddess of dream anywhere hidden in this beautiful earth weaving dreams for the countless population.
Even before we began to see movies in tv and such media,these dreams were a part of our there anyone who had never dreamed????
why the term dream is haunting me everytime?????
I love to see dreams.the dreams that can never happen.even to mankind., playing with the stars and comets and flying through the open space........... There are endless dreams that will flash one by one in my mind…hmmm…interesting but let them lie in darkness for the millions out there

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Life is a journey an everlasting journey............God is the driver and we are the passengers. In this Journey, we come across manynew faces in which some fade away as soon as they come and others create footprints in our heart. But they all will leave us when their distination comes. So better not to be intimate with an unknown fellow passenger, or it is gonna hurt u in long run.
In a world like this I was surprised by the innocent smile of a baby towards a stranger. A smile that can brighten anyone face.There is another group of people who can do similar magic like this. They come into your life, with their thoughts and support when we least expect it. Yes they are the one we call "FRIENDS".
But now I am totally confused ,about any relation! Is there any relation that could be forever??.Sad to say,Every relation just fades away one day and the thought i would lose them one day makess me afright.The more closer we are to people around us, the more disappointed we turn out to be when they leave us one day. So as i said before dont be intimate with an stranger or it will hurt, when they leave.but surely they will walk away----

Monday, June 9, 2008


some thoughts on rain.................. It has started raining here, the most dullest season where we all wish to be right under the blankets, or sitting near the open window, listening to the fading music of rain and where some others like me wishing to play with rain. In Silent nights I used to sit near the half opened window pane listening to the unknown symphony of rain, engulfing at the dark sky and occasionally lighting splashes.
It is so interesting to be in a dormant situation, to sit and listen with out any work and those thunders forcing me to look who is the stupid one sitting in this cold night with out sleeping wrapped under the blanket. I will smile at him and say "lemme sit some more time here with out any tension". Actually I dont have any problem to be tensed about, busy study schedules is ofcourse a tension for a student like me.